Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral North Vancouver

Katie offers Craniosacral Sessions in North Vancouver - Lonsdale, Lynn Valley Massage, and can come to you! Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle healing technique for infants, children, and adults. This light touch healing addresses the body holistically – integrating the physical, emotional and energetic aspects. If you are not located near North Vancouver and are looking for virtual Somatic Sessions, please go here.

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral is a gentle-touch therapy, where the practitioner observes various layers of the physical, emotional, and energetic body. Each practitioner has different gifts. I notice the rhythm and balance of the nervous system and energetic body, the fascia (bones, muscles, organs), and aspects that feel 'stuck.' Through Somato-Emotional Release, I help clients experiences in silence of verbally. My gift is being able to read the body and I will often intuitive insights to support my client's healing.

Craniosacral for Children

What does a Craniosacral + Somato-Emotional Release Session look like?

Each session is unique - some are more physically focused and others more energetic, as all our layers are intertwined. We begin our session with a brief discussion on what to expect, any primary concerns and assessment, and how we will work together. Clothes remain on, with a blanket over you for comfort as you lay on down. I guide you through a brief breathwork and meditation session, to help you connect with your energy and body while placing my hands at your feet. Here I notice the physical alignment or holding patterns in the body, and the Craniosacral flow of cerebral spinal fluid. From there I move as called by your body, working either in silence or with brief discussion along the way, while you relax into a Theta state.

Birth and early experiences often come up, as this is where our core beliefs originate and we find our energetic blue print. You will only receive the information you need at this time. Through this work we can release patterns that show up mentally, emotionally, energetically, and physically that may no longer be serving our potential. Supporting infants can be especially beneficial, as we set the stage to thrive!

What happens after a Craniosacral Session?

After our session, we have a discussion and I share any pertinent intuitive insights that came to the surface if you wish. Often these have to do with patterns in your life that have manifested in the body. I provide you with yoga, breathwork, myofascial and other tools, so you can continue to support your daily well-being. As you would with any other therapeutic session, I encourage you to drink lots of water and be gentle with yourself. Sometimes when we are processing, we may feel foggy, light-headed, or even run down if our body is clearing out a lot.

If this is for a child, I offer the child the option to watch me do a mini-session for their parent. This can help them understand what to expect. I always make sure to let them know they can use their voice and let me know if anything doesn't feel right to them - same for adults. This has never come up as we work in-sync, but it's part of my core values to ensure everyone feels safe and that they can speak up.

What can Craniosacral Therapy help with?

  • Prenatal anxiety and discomfort
  • Birth healing for infants and mothers, physically and emotionally
  • Infant sleep, latching, digestion, colic, torticollis, and ear infections
  • Childhood anxiety, sleep, ADHD, ASD, T21 (grinding, speech) + more
  • Acute concerns – whiplash, physical injury or trauma, range of motion etc
  • Somatoemotional release of patterns and limiting beliefs, to find greater self-love and acceptance
  • Chronic concerns - sleep, anxiety/depression, immune function, fatigue, digestion, TMJ, migraines, fertility, arthritis, brain fog


I felt so much energy moving & tingling in my body during the session and Katie was bang on in finding a few areas where I could feel there were some major blocks. After the session I felt so much lighter as she worked to release them. I’d definitely recommend seeing Katie!



You have healing hands...I started to see results after I brought my daughter to you for the first time.

She started eating solid food and talking, saying so many words. I'm so happy and thankful for her huge improvement.


“"""I have had chronic headaches and migraines for years and after my first session with Katie and in the weeks after, I had fewer headaches and was able to sleep better than I had in a long time (no restless legs). Katie was also able to give me some suggestions to help me relax. She is wonderful and understanding and I definitely recommend giving it a try!


What are Craniosacral Nerves?

We have 12 cranial nerves. The two accessory nerves allowing for head movement, 9 innervate our senses, and the 10th, our Vagus Nerve, links our brain and internal organs. Subconsciously we scan the environment every 4-7 seconds to determine if we are safe or not. Very simply, this information travels to our brain to determine based on previous experiences if we should react in a sympathetic (activated) or parasympathetic response (calm). Our organs also tell our brain how to react, sending information through the Vagus Nerve.

Can Craniosacral Help with Trauma?

When we experience something that is too much for us, it can become 'stuck' or encoded in our bodies. This is especially true for children or those who are not verbal. When we feel safe and supported, these experiences will come to the surface to process and release. Chronic stress, acute injury, and birth experiences can also lead to 'stuck' experiences in our bodies, and changes to our whole being. Craniosacral can be very powerful in helping to release trauma.

What Katie shared with me after was all absolutely true, and a helpful take away I can work with.

I am still feeling shifting happening in my body the day after treatment. I would highly recommend Katie to be part of your healing journey.



Katie’s treatment was so healing on several levels. Her knowledge and gentle demeanor made for a relaxing and moving experience.



Katie delivers an amazing amount of care and healing energy into her practice. I was dealing with a mild concussion and I truly feel that my session with Katie helped put me on the path to healing and feeling more like myself. I highly recommend and value Katie’s practice.


Craniosacral Offerings

Mama Love $345

This is an incredible opportunity for parents to release any core beliefs that are no longer serving, and find peace in the physical body before and after birth, in addition to grounding and welcoming a new little soul into the world! (save $45)


75m Prenatal Session

75m Postnatal Session

45m Infant Session


Infant Sessions 45m $75

Session for Dad 75m $135

Sibling (under 10y) 45m $75

Mom + Child $195

An opportunity for mom + babe (or a child) to release underlying emotions and any core beliefs no longer serving, in addition to birth trauma and finding ease in the physical + subtle body (save $45)


75m Mom Session

45m Baby/Child Session


Baby/ Child Sess 45m $75

Self Love $255

Gift yourself an indulgent, lasting self-care session to balance your physical, emotional + subtle bodies. The yoga session is custom to your needs and designed to provide you with tools to support you beyond (save $45)


75m Cranio

75m Private Yoga


Cranio Sess 75m $135

Yoga Sess 75m $135

Single Sessions

Child (0-10y): 45m session $90

All children's sessions include a one-time 15m phone consult with a parent ahead of our first session.

5 Sessions $375 (save $75)

Add on 3 month SSP access with purchase of 5 sessions for only $299 (save over $350!)

Adult: 75m session $150

5 Sessions $650 (save $100)

Add on 3 month SSP access with purchase of 5 sessions for only $299 (save over $350!)

5 sessions to be used within 6m

Abhyanga Add-On

See below to learn more.

Empowering the Family

Our family nervous system is one, just like within each of us, we must address the whole. As parents, we are so often on the go with the various demands of daily life, it can be hard to step back and reassess holistically and objectively. This is where my work comes in. With my experience and training in Craniosacral + Somato-Emotional Release, Certified Safe + Sound Protocol Provider, and Expert Yoga + Children's Yoga Instruction, I draw upon science-backed tools and intuition to empower the family as a whole.

Over the last few years, our systems have been under a lot and we are feeling it! This can present as anxiety, depression, regression, and other concerns. Those who are Highly Sensitive are especially prone to feeling it, as our current lifestyles are usually not supportive for us - we need to re-work a few things. I offer each of your family members holistic tools you can incorporate into your daily life to nourish their nervous system for meaningful connection, greater peace, love and joy!

A typical session begins with an interview with the parents to understand family dynamics and where you need support. This is followed by a Craniosacral and Safe + Sound Protocol (SSP) Session for each parent. I then work with your children, with you present or not based on the child's choice and age. These sessions may be in-person (North Vancouver) or virtual.


  • Joint Parent Interview + Tools to Begin (90 minutes)

  • Craniosacral + SSP Session for each Parent + Tools to Support You (75m each)

  • Craniosacral + SSP Session for each Child (based on 2 children) + Tools to Support Them (45m each)

  • 3 month Safe + Sound Protocol + remote access for each family member

  • 2 Follow Ups with each Child (45m each)

  • Joint Parent Follow-Up (90 minutes)

  • Email support as needed

  • Additional Sessions as needed (booked separately)

$1999 +gst (valued over $2600). Payments may be split up over sessions.

Please email me to book a 15m free consultation:

Abhyanga Add-On

Enjoy the luxury of Abhyanga - an Ayurvedic Massage Technique to support the Lymphatic System. We begin by warming the body then massaging in essential oils best suited for your Dosha. While the oil has the opportunity to soak in and nourish your skin (your largest organ), you have the opportunity to relax and reset with a Craniosacral session. We end the session by taking a warm cloth and removing any excess oil.

Only available for my female-adult clients. Pure, small-batch oils from Fern + Petal (you can save 10%) are used in a coconut oil carrier.

Here are just some of the benefits of Abhyanga... aside from it feeling amazing!:

  • Soothes the skin

  • Lubricates joints

  • Improves circulation

  • Aids in detoxification and lymphatic flow

  • Calms Vata + Pitta doshas, while stimulating Kapha

Book Here!

To book Single Sessions, you are welcome to select a clinic and book directly on their website. If you would like to book a Package or these times do not work for you, please email

Depending on your concern, 5 sessions may be helpful over a few months, but I encourage clients to listen to their bodies and book as needed. GST not included in pricing. Sessions may be covered by extended medical or ICBC. If you have any other questions please email me!

Gift Certificates

Gift Certificates are available for purchase here!

Thank you for your referrals!

For each booked referral, receive $20 off your next session!

Intake + Waiver

Please ensure you read our Code of Conduct, Policies + Waiver here

What are you joining us for? *
How would you rate your current self-care practice?
How did you learn about gloWithin?*
Would you like to receive promos + tools including our App?*

Abhyanga Questionnaire

Others describe me as
I think I am
My energy can be described as
My sleep is
My natural body temperature is
My appetite tendency is
My natural frame can be described as
My lifelong tendency with weight has been:
When I'm stressed I
I make choices

North Vancouver BC